Adults encouraged to embrace lifelong learning

Our Place is highlighting the importance of lifelong learning during Adult Learners Week, an annual education event from 1 – 8 September that is coordinated by Adult Learning Australia.  

Adult Learners Week helps to advocate for and ensure that everyone can access learning opportunities, anywhere and at any age. The Our Place approach supports learning, employment and community participation opportunities for parents and families to address intergenerational disadvantage and create a sense of pride and belonging.  

Parent and carer education, especially mothers’ education, is linked to children’s health, development and academic achievement. 

By facilitating access to or providing pathways into education and meaningful employment for families, we can begin to break cycles of intergenerational disadvantage and improve outcomes for children. 

Incorporated into and celebrated alongside Adult Learners Week is International Literacy Day, which is held annually on the 8 September and reminds us that literacy is a matter of dignity and human rights. 

Many people around the world have literacy challenges and UNESCO estimates that around 773 million young people and adults are currently lacking basic literacy skills. 

When we refer to ‘being literate’ we mean that literate people possess the skills to be able to read, write and speak to understand and create meaning. People who are literate can also understand and follow written instructions, find out information online or in books and write letters or emails. All which are essential skills for children and adults to be able to participate fully in the community. 

Many free events and celebrations are held throughout Adult Learners Week. To find events happening in your community visit: and simply type in your location, events that are nearby will then be shown. There are still lots of opportunities to participate this year, despite the challenges of COVID. 

The Adult Learners Week website also has several free, self-paced resources that can assist people with developing a resume, learning interview skills, guidance on how to look for employment and much more. Visit the Adult Learners Week website to access these:  

For more general information about Adult Learners Week visit: