Site Partners
Robinvale College, Swan Hill Rural City Council, YMCA, Robinvale District Health Services, Department of Education, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.
The Early Years Online Hub provides a collection of information under one roof for families seeking information about all Early Years services available within the Swan Hill Local Government Area. This online resource provides access to a range of essential services for children, young people, new parents, soon-to-be new parents, families, and individuals. It also includes new parent resources, program listings, lists of events, community spaces, and all other relevant information for parents or soon-to-be parents and carers.
Site Priorities
1. Children and young people are attending, engaging and aspiring as learners.
- Creating a safe learning environment for children and young people which fosters belonging.
- Identifying and delivering impactful ways for children and young people to value education, prioritise attendance and aspire.
- Increasing the breadth of extra-curricular activities available to children and young people to improve engagement with learning.
- Developing and testing ways of connecting learning strategies and pathways.
2. Children, young people and families receive the health and wellbeing services they need.
- Working collaboratively to connect families to impactful local services and support.
- Develop and test alternate delivery models to support increased access to key health and wellbeing services.
- Advocating for increased health and wellbeing service delivery in the community.
3. The capacity of families is built to enable confident parenting and strong community connections.
- Creating accessible opportunities for families to connect and learn from each other.
- Providing adults, children and young people with opportunities for leadership.
- Creating ‘safe’ and accessible volunteering and learning opportunities for adults and young people.
- Enabling parents and community to achieve improved school attendance.
- Enabling parents to increase their capacity to support their child’s learning.
4. Our community is connected to the Robinvale site as a place of inclusion, learning, opportunity and joy.
- Increasing community and service provider awareness of available services, events and opportunities.
- Identify and test alternate uses of current infrastructure and resources to improve service delivery and increase access to formal and informal education opportunities for all ages.
- Build connection and shared practice across site staff and services.
- Aligning partner efforts and messaging to develop Robinvale College as a school of choice.
- Working collaboratively to promote and support implementation of Robinvale College’s strategic plan.