Site Partners

Robinvale College, Swan Hill Rural City Council, YMCA, Robinvale District Health Services, Department of Education, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

I had no idea what to do with baby to get him to sleep before midnight until the girls showed me and told me how to try and change his feeding and when to settle. PARENT, BABY COLLEGE


The Early Years Online Hub provides a collection of information under one roof for families seeking information about all Early Years services available within the Swan Hill Local Government Area. This online resource provides access to a range of essential services for children, young people, new parents, soon-to-be new parents, families, and individuals. It also includes new parent resources, program listings, lists of events, community spaces, and all other relevant information for parents or soon-to-be parents and carers.

Site Priorities

1. Children and young people are attending, engaging and aspiring as learners.

  • Creating a safe learning environment for children and young people which fosters belonging.
  • Identifying and delivering impactful ways for children and young people to value education, prioritise attendance and aspire.
  • Increasing the breadth of extra-curricular activities available to children and young people to improve engagement with learning.
  • Developing and testing ways of connecting learning strategies and pathways.

2. Children, young people and families receive the health and wellbeing services they need.

  • Working collaboratively to connect families to impactful local services and support.
  • Develop and test alternate delivery models to support increased access to key health and wellbeing services.
  • Advocating for increased health and wellbeing service delivery in the community.

3. The capacity of families is built to enable confident parenting and strong community connections.

  • Creating accessible opportunities for families to connect and learn from each other.
  • Providing adults, children and young people with opportunities for leadership.
  • Creating ‘safe’ and accessible volunteering and learning opportunities for adults and young people.
  • Enabling parents and community to achieve improved school attendance.
  • Enabling parents to increase their capacity to support their child’s learning.  

4. Our community is connected to the Robinvale site as a place of inclusion, learning, opportunity and joy.

  • Increasing community and service provider awareness of available services, events and opportunities.
  • Identify and test alternate uses of current infrastructure and resources to improve service delivery and increase access to formal and informal education opportunities for all ages.
  • Build connection and shared practice across site staff and services.
  • Aligning partner efforts and messaging to develop Robinvale College as a school of choice.
  • Working collaboratively to promote and support implementation of Robinvale College’s strategic plan.


Families in Robinvale Euston access the right services via English Conversation Classes 

Our Place Robinvale’s English Conversation Classes is giving community members much more than confidence in English language skills.…


Industry tour and bus initiative leads to employment outcomes in Robinvale 

Our Place’s Glenn and Tony have worked alongside partners on an industry tour to create awareness of employment opportunities and a bus initiative tha…


The Robinvale Community Brass Band performs to a live audience

The Robinvale Community Brass Band recently performed at “The Beat”, an annual State Schools showcase featuring the best musical, dance, and drama tal…


The Robinvale Journey

Download the resource: The Robinvale Journey.


Connecting the Robinvale Community

Download the resource: Connecting the Robinvale Community.

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Events at Robinvale

Coffee and Craft – Robinvale

Every Wednesday during school term
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Community Cooking – Robinvale

Tuesdays during term
9:30 am - 11:30 am

Conversation Cafe English Classes – Robinvale

Every Thursday during term
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Community Garden Day – Robinvale

Every Thursday during school terms
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Coffee & Chat – Robinvale

Every Monday and Friday during school terms
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Our People