“A place where I belong” – a free resource for families

Parents and carers can share and enjoy this story with children online here

The story telling in a digital book, aims to support children who are continuing from early learning centres into primary school.

As a result of participating in the Bastow Continuity of Early Learning course in 2020, some wonderfully skilled and passionate educators and practitioners within the Robinvale and surrounding regions have developed a thoughtful, interactive, and entertaining story. This digital story has been designed for parents and carers to spend some special time together whilst helping children develop a sense of safety, security and belonging in the lead up to starting school. 

Our Place Robinvale has also partnered with Murray Valley Aboriginal Cooperative (MVAC) to source funding to enable this book to be printed and shared with Robinvale and Euston students. These were distributed in December 2021, to children moving from preschool to school. The supply of hard copies will enable the children moving into school for the next three years to all receive a copy at the end of their preschool experience.

Our Place would like to thank the following educators and practitioners for developing this resource:

Bec Burgess – Early Childhood Performance and Planning Advisor (ECPAPA), Joelle Whiting – teacher and the LOOKOUT Early Childhood Learning Advisor for the Mallee, Janelle Ricker – Koorie Engagement Support Officer (KESO) based at Robinvale College and Christina Brims – Koorie Engagement Support Officer (KESO) in Mildura. (Please note titles were current at the time of development and may have changed)

In addition to the acknowledgements above, we would also like to make special mention to Luke Morgan.  Luke is from Robinvale in the Mallee and is a proud Wiradjuri man who volunteered his time and artistic talent to illustrate the story.  Luke has illustrated and written three children’s books: Living in Kennedy Street, Hawkeye and Bogeye and Easter Camp. Luke’s artworks can be seen throughout Victoria. His last commissioned work was for the Robinvale Corner Store, Coming Together.

Our Place’s holistic approach includes five core Elements that describe the evidence-based strategies that contribute to achieving outcomes for children, families and communities. This wonderful initiative aligns with the following Our Place Elements:

High-Quality Early Learning, Health and Development – This Element supports early learning from birth as well as playgroups, child health and parenting support on site. The key features of this element are:

  • Early engagement and intervention
  • High-quality early learning services and supports
  • Continuity in learning between the early years and school
  • Positive home learning environments.

High-Quality Schooling – This Element supports high-quality teaching and learning environments that ensure each child receives the support they achieve and thrive. The key features of this element are:

  • Parents engaged in children’s learning, with strengthened belief in the importance of education (linked to aspirations for children)
  • Positive school culture and support for student wellbeing
  • Strong leadership across the school that raises expectations for children’s learning and development