Korayn Birralee’s ‘Mini Movers’
The Leisure Networks Mini Movers team came to the Korayn Birralee Kindergarten in Term 1 and facilitated a weekly educational sports program.
Mini Movers is a physical literacy-based program that uses sports as a vehicle to increase the motor skills of children aged 3-7. The program also aims to ensure that children have the skills needed for transitioning into primary school and provides children with the tools to stay physically active for years to come.
The children participated in activities such as obstacles courses, soccer, basketball, and games, all with an imaginative story behind the actions involved in each game that the children can relate to. Educators have also been able to scaffold these experiences and incorporate them into the Early Years Learning and Developmental Framework. The children were always excited when they knew there was a visit from Mini Movers and looked forward to engaging in the games and activities. The program was a great opportunity for children to work in small groups and supported the development of listening skills.
This initiative also aligns with the following sitewide learning outcomes:
Learning Outcome 2
• Co-operate with others and negotiate roles and relationships in play episodes
and group experiences.
• Take action to assist other children to participate in social groups.
Learning Outcome 3
• Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.
• Show enthusiasm for participating in physical play and negotiate play spaces to ensure the safety and wellbeing of themselves and others.
We would also like to extend a thankyou to Trish and Maria at Korayn Birralee Family Centre for sharing reflections on the program.
Aligning to the Our Place approach
Engagement and enrichment activities for children is one of the five evidence-based Elements central to the Our Place approach. Our Place provides children and families with opportunities to nurture their interests and experience success and promotes a sense of pride, belonging and community among families. The key features of this element are:
- All children are provided with affordable before/after school recreation activities, including opportunities for physical activities.
- All children are provided with opportunities to engage in special interest activities (cooking, music, homework clubs, sport, art and craft activities) outside of school hours.