Looking after your mental health is important

Our Place is highlighting the importance of good mental health during World Mental Health Day, an annual campaign held on 10 October lead by Mental Health Australia.   

World Mental Health Day aims to raise public awareness of mental health issues worldwide through education, awareness and advocacy. The 2021 message is: “Look after your mental health, Australia”.  Everyone has mental health and having good mental health means that we can cope with the stressors of our daily lives, participate in loving relationships, contribute to our community, and work towards our goals. We all benefit from looking after our own mental health and the mental health of our communities, as health and wellbeing are vital ingredients for success.

Wrap-around health and wellbeing is one of the five core Elements of the Our Place approach, which makes it easier for families experiencing challenging life circumstances to access effective health and wellbeing services. This is achieved by utilising local schools to host health and wellbeing supports and resources that aid families in gaining access to high-quality services. Children’s health and wellbeing – and the health and wellbeing of their families – are the foundation for children’s learning and academic achievement.  

Children’s mental health is also linked to healthy childhood development. The Australian Parenting Website explains that good mental health helps children build positive social, emotional, behaviour and communication skills. It also lays the foundation for better mental health and wellbeing later in life. For more information about how you can support your child’s mental health visit: https://bit.ly/3jxhuE3  

If you are looking to follow this years Mental Health Day campaign, the best way to do so is via social media using the hashtag #LookAfterYourMentalHealthAustralia or by visiting  https://lookafteryourmentalhealthaustralia.org.au 

Mental Health Australia also offers ten tips as a helpful starting point to look after your mental health at https://bit.ly/2YhB7ro 

If you or someone you care for requires immediate assistance, you can contact the below National 24/7 Crisis Counselling Services:  

13 11 14 – 24 hours a day 

7 days a week  

Lifeline Text  
0477 13 11 14 – 6pm to midnight (AEDT)  
7 nights a week  

Beyond Blue  
1300 22 4636  

Carer Support  
1800 242 636 or 1300 554 660  

Kids Helpline  
1800 55 1800  