Site Partners
Our Place Northern Bay, Northern Bay College, City of Greater Geelong, Meli, Department of Education, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

I think it will be awesome in 20 years’ time when all the little people that are in our services now have families of their own and they say, hey, I went to that Centre and it was awesome; that centre made a difference to my life!
Early Childhood Coordinator, City of Greater Geelong
Foundational themes underpin all site priorities and objectives.
- Building the capacity of service providers to be responsive to local needs.
- Building a service system which is coordinated and effective.
- Culturally safe and responsive (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities & CALD).
Site Priorities
1. Children access support for healthy development and wellbeing.
- Strengthen access to and participation in high-quality services and supports that promote physical, social, and emotional development.
- Support the onsite provision of services and supports for the early identification, engagement, and interventions to address vulnerabilities.
- Advocate collectively to address service gaps to increase access and support for healthy development in vulnerable children.
- Strengthen collaboration and integration between early years and school systems to provide best outcomes for vulnerable children.

2. Children engage and connect to high quality learning.
- Strengthen access to and participation in high quality services and supports that promote language, literacy, and numeracy development in children.
- Support access to and attendance in high-quality early learning services and supports before they commence school.
- Develop collaborative and integrated service system approaches to address absenteeism in the school settings.
- Strengthen professional practice bridges that create a continuity of learning between early learning and the primary school.
- Work in partnership with families to support their role as child’s first educator and enable positive home learning environments.
3. Parents and Carers are confident, capable, and connected.
- Provide support to assist families in their role as parents/carers.
- Collaboratively develop and deliver parenting programs for greater impact.
- Provide opportunities that promote parent/carer voice and leadership.
- Provide and promote opportunities for parents/carers to socially connect.
- Support access to high quality adult learning opportunities, volunteering, and pathways to employment.