Our Place contributes to The Productivity Commission’s Review of Philanthropy
Drawing on our experience of working in partnership with government and philanthropy, Our Place recently made a submission to support understanding and increasing philanthropic giving in Australia.
What is The Productivity Commission’s Review of Philanthropy?
The Productivity Commission is the Australian Government’s independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians. Its role is to help governments make better policies, in the long-term interest of the Australian community.
The Australian Government has committed to working with the philanthropic, not-for-profit and business sectors to double philanthropic giving by 2030. The Productivity Commission is undertaking an inquiry to analyse motivations for philanthropic giving in Australia and identify opportunities to grow it further. The review covers three broad areas:
- analyse trends in philanthropic giving in Australia and the drivers of these trends.
- identify opportunities for, and obstacles to, increasing philanthropic giving in Australia.
- recommend ways to respond to these opportunities and obstacles.
Our Place’s recommendations
The following is a summary of our recommendations to The Productivity Commission’s Review of Philanthropy. Click on the following link to view Our Place’s submission in its entirety.
Building on our experience of working in partnership with government and convening philanthropic support, Our Place recommends that the Productivity Commission consider in its recommendations:
- Greater awareness within government of ways of partnering with philanthropic organisations to tackle complex policy challenges
- Policy adaptation to encourage cross-portfolio collaboration and long-term commitment to philanthropic partners
- Investment in governance structures and staff capability to authorise and auspice joint government-philanthropy investments.